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blog post 1

1. I think A.I generated art should not be considered as art . Art should be something creative or even with way more thought behind it , like a song or poem with a message that you want to send , a painting , or even a beautiful picture you took . To me art should be something that you should be able to use to express yourself with or just even do for yourself like a coping mechanism . It should not be typing some words into a computer and getting a random photo.
2. I believe the concerns that the artist have are not exaggerated, mostly because I can understand where they are coming from . It’s as if people are using computer science to create art , something that people have been doing for a long time way before this new and improved technology even existed. A.I is slowly taking over the world not only in art in many other aspects of life , for example alexa or Siri , we could use them for weather , crime reports literally anything just another form of A.I.

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